
Your Journey to Wellness Begins Here

If you or a loved one are seeking expert guidance and support in the realm of mental health, sexuality, or addiction recovery, Dr. Vikash Dixit is here to help. With his years of experience and commitment to holistic well-being, he’s your trusted partner on the journey to a happier, healthier life.

De-Addiction Specialist

De-addiction specialist dedicated to recovery and well-being.

Sexology and Relationships

Expert in sexology, nurturing healthier relationships and intimacy.

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Reach Out for Consultations and Support Today.

Available Healthcare Services

Find the best support for your mental wellbeing


A complex mental health condition, often requiring professional intervention.

Sleep Problem

Disruptions in sleep patterns affecting overall health and well-being.

Drug Dependence

Compulsive need for the substances that leading to harmful consequences.


Overwhelming worry and fear are impacting daily life and other functioning.

Psychological Problems

Challenges in mental health that are impacting the daily life and functioning.

Schizophrenia & Psychosis

Altered perceptions and thoughts, emotions, and other reality perception.

Old Age Depression

Common in seniors, often linked to isolation, health issues, and life transitions.

Alcohol Dependence

A chronic condition marked by compulsive drinking, needing treatment.

Psychosexual Disorder

Conditions impacting sexual function, desire, or satisfaction, requiring intervention.

Adolescent Problem

Navigating identity, relationships, and challenges during a pivotal life stage..

Chronic Headache

Prolonged, persistent head pain, warranting thorough medical evaluation and care.


Cognitive decline impairing memory, thinking, and daily functioning abilities.

Reach Out for Consultations and Support Today.

Contact Dr. Vikas Dixit for professional consultations and comprehensive support to improve your mental health and well-being. Reach out today.